Ryan's cousin Rob and his fiancé Angela. (We are currently betting on when they have a baby!)

Ryan's Grandpa Trewartha (sharing smiles with Natasha).

Ryan's aunt Kathy and uncle Jerry.

Ryan's Grandpa and Grandma Crampton.

My "aunt" Jane, and "cousin" Robin. Natasha had her longest laugh/talk yet with Jane, it went on forever. Whatever she was telling Jane was freakin' hilarious!
This thanksgiving was crazy. We toured Ontario, going Ottawa-Toronto, Toronto-Mississauga, Mississauga-Niagara, Niagara-Ingersoll, Ingersoll-London, London-Owen Sound, Owen Sound-Lindsay, and then Lindsay-Home. We spent probably 20 or so hours in the car over the span of a week, and Natasha really didn't fuss at all. Here is everyone Natasha met on the way (or at least some of them!)